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Why error codes like ERR 5, ERR 5003 and 1073676294 occurring in the interface of LabVIEW with MPU-6050 using LINX (Makers Hub)?

Error codes like ERR 5, ERR 5003, and 1073676294 occurring in the interface of LabVIEW with MPU-6050 using LINX (Makers Hub).


1: Connecting MPU-6050 with Arduino UNO, then from Arduino is connected to PC using a USB cable. Sensor working, the board also working (verified - light blown). Before running the VI, Arduino ON (light blown), L (light blown), TX (light blown), RX (light not blown) are shown in the image.


RX (light not blown)



2: Block diagram created with MPU60X0, LINX showed in the image.


3: Arduino codes are not uploaded to the board. After running the VI, RX (light blown constantly - not blinking, several minutes later not blown, sometimes even in running also) is shown in the image.



4: VI running, but nothing happens, values not coming. After using the Highlight execution button, it shows error codes like ERR 5, ERR 5003, and 1073676294 occurring in the Linx start, MPU60X0 open and MPU60X0 open.



5: This type of error occurs in a random manner. i.e. Firstly ERR 54 coming, next time ERR 5003 coming.


How to solve this problem?











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same issue, please if someone has any ideas for solving this problem.

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