On the spash screen during launch, or the Help - About... dialog box, near the upper-left of the window, underneath your name / company / serial number, does it say the following?
"LabVIEW Professional Development System"
I assume it does as you said you had Pro, and that Express VI showed up in the palettes for you.
That said, another thing that could be happening is you might have a VI already in memory that matches the name of one of the subVIs used by the configuration page VI. Though if you are just running through the Getting Started Manual, I wouldn't expect that either.
Still, try closing all VIs (so that the Getting Started Window comes back up) then create one new VI and drop the Scaling and Mapping Express VI and let me know.
Sorry to hear you're having trouble, especially so soon after starting to use the product. I'll do my best to help out with this.