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Transform a 32 bit bitmap to a 16 bit bitmap

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Good mornig.

I am using the IMAQx toolbox in labview 2017 with a camera with a 32 bit resolution. Untill now, I can take 32 bit bitmap from it, but I would need to convert them to a 16 bit bitmap for the aplication.

Is there any way to do it?

I tried to define in IMAQ create the image type as 16 bit, but doesn´t seems to work

Thank you

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Accepted by topic author d_hunter13

IMAQdx or the Image Acquisition Software only has very few IMAQ VIs that allow just basic image acquisition.You need the Image Development System Software with its conversion and analysis functions  That has an IMAQ Typecast that can convert image types.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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