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The Source and Sink to be solved!

From the three elements cluster to waveform graph is working great; from there the waveform need to be fed into Hanning window function. The question is how to connect from the three element cluster to 1D array waveform?
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Message 1 of 3
Maybe the attached example will explain what I meant in my response to your other posting about creating a waveform data type inside the for loop. If you don't want to use waveform data types, use the normal analysis functions that expect an array instead of using the waveform analysis functions

p.s. It would be better to have this kind of discussion on a single thread instead of new postings all the time. Just click on the Comment button.
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Message 2 of 3
It's worked.
Thanks. Any document or manual that I could understand this more!
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Message 3 of 3