Here the situation - PXI card is 6341 and i used counter on mode Two Edge Separation. The frequency of sampling is 10ns. I want to sampling and have result between rise edge of the signals from 2 channels - PFI 8 and PFI 9. I have an error to sampling signal.
error from program is
Possible reason(s):
Requested values of the Minimum and Maximum properties for the counter channel are not supported for the given type of device.
The values that can be specified for Minimum and Maximum depend on the counter timebase rate.
Property: CI.Min
Corresponding Value: 20.0e-9
Property: CI.Max
Corresponding Value: 42.949673
Property: CI.TwoEdgeSep.Units
Corresponding Value: Seconds
Option: 1
Property: CI.CtrTimebaseRate
Corresponding Value: 100.0e6
Property: CI.Min
Value Must Be Greater Than: 20.0e-9
Property: CI.Max
Value Must Be Less Than: 42.949673