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 Last week I stumbled across a posting that pointed towards a USB module that took SSI inputs. I can no longer find it! I think it was a fairly obscure product as it was only available in OEM version.

Does anybody know what it is!!?


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 25

Hello SSK,

I think, this module is the NI-USB-8451 I2C/SPI Interface. This module provide a SSI/I2C protocol.
information about SSI: link: What is Serial Synchronous Interface (SSI)?

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 25

Thanks Nick,


I was looking for that for about an hour yesterday!!



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 25

Can anybody tell me the difference between SSI and SPI?



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 25
Hello Scc,

The I2C protocole is a kind of SSI (Serial Synchronous Interface) where the data  uses only two bidirectional open-drain lines.
The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a synchronous serial data link standard that operates in full duplex.

More information about those protocole can be found on Wikipedia:
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface Bus
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit

Best regards
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 25

So could this USB module be used to read an SSI device?





0 Kudos
Message 6 of 25
Dear ssk,

Apologie, I just realize something, the SSI signal are differential voltage and the I2C are open-drain grounded.

That means you cannot directly connect them together.
The best think, I suggest you to study the sensor data (voltage level) and the I2C protocol (voltage level)

For example,
to connect the SCLK to Clock+ and Clock-, you can use a MAX 488 or similar
to connect the MISO to Data+  and Data- also.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 25
Not only can you not connect the two together, the 8541 driver does not support SSI.

You can find a definition for SSI here

SSI Bus {The Synchronous Serial Interface [SSI] bus consists of four signals; SCLK, SDATA, SDEN0, and SDEN1. SDATA is a bidirectional [three-state] data line which requires a pull-up or pull-down resistor. Data is sent in 8 bit bytes, LSB first. The SCLK signal is only active during transfers. Data is clocked out on the falling edge and clock in on the rising edge [of the Master]. The other two pins SDEN0 and SDEN1 are enable pins, active high.}

That means SSI uses only one data line , versus two for SPI. And they clock in on falling edge and clock out on rising edge. That is not supported with our 8451 driver.


Chris G in AE
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 25
I thought I would post my solution for anybody else wanting to interrogate SSI using LabVIEW.

I used a PCI SSI card from (product link , the cards come with example LabVIEW drivers.

We have been using the card for some time with great success. They are 3 channel devices and we have a linear encoder on one channel and a rotary encoder on the other.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 25

We want to use LabView with 6 SSI 13-bit absolute encoders. Basec on the info from the the past messages, we're checking the PCI SSI card  from but we still have two questions:

In the website of the manufacturer, they say that provide LabView libraries to 5.0 LabView version. Are those libraries compatible with LabView 8.0?

As we want to use 6 encoders, we need to PCI SSI cards. Have somebody use simultaneously two of those cards with LabView?

Thank you in advance for any help.

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Message 10 of 25