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Read data from CANcardXL useing LV8.20

Hallo everybody

I am trying to create a labview liberary to control the XL-CAN bus ( from Vector-informatik) functions under LV. and i'm useing the following HW/SW:
2- CANcabs (Suports Low and High speed)
3- IOcab 8444opto (all hardware from vector-informatik)
4- Windows XP-SP2
5- Labview 8.20
6- CANcardXL driver v.5.6
7- XL-Driver liberary (API and .NET) version 5.7
MY problem(s):
I can not read any bus data (I mean neither CAN, LIN nor DAIO)  from the hardware, but set a configuration to the application (appName) and send data works fine. even by reading I dont get any error message or something (I get always XL_SUCCESS). I am trying to get this thing on the ball since more than one week but NO-WAY.

So is there any idea, tip or a small vi  example to read CAN data using .NET vector driver?

Any and all help appreciated

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Message 1 of 4

it is fixed. the problem was the calling of the .NET functions sequence was wrong.


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Message 2 of 4

Hello Amro,


I trying to communicate with a Vector CANcardXL using .NET too. I'm sending a request and receiving a response, but the received response is from the previous request.

What sequence did you finally use? I think I don't understand the sequence described in the API Description from Vector.


Thanks in advance!

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Message 3 of 4
Hallo HoeS ,

sorry for lating replaying you.
in my VIs I used the sequence as descriped in the flowchart in the API-discription Manual.
befor I can figure your problem I need some more information.
1- what did you receive at the first Request?
2- did you set the receiving buffer size?

You may need to Flush your receivequeue using xlFlushReceiveQueue function at the first CAN-Request. so you make sure that your CAN-Hardware receiving buffer has NULL inside.

you may use xlsetNotification function, it helps you to fetch any Rx-msg just when it is on the bus.

I hope that I can help you fixing your problem.
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Message 4 of 4