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Motion controller operation in LabVIEW through USB communication



I am trying to operate the stage by communicating with a motion controller device using LabVIEW through a USB port.
After checking through the MAX and VISA test panels, when I run the attached vi file, it runs normally,

but the stage does not work no matter what button I press. I would like to know what ways I can solve this problem.


I am using Windows 10, LabVIEW 2018, and uploaded the controller's user guide and vi file. The serial communication part begins on page 70.
Sorry that the file is in Korean.


Thank you for reading this long post!

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Message 1 of 3

Hi boowon,


@boowon2222 wrote:

Sorry that the file is in Korean.

As Autonics requires to create a login account before allowing downloads it should be your task to provide the English manual for your motion controller!

(Otherwise you might post in the Korean regional board…)


@boowon2222 wrote:

when I run the attached vi file, it runs normally, but the stage does not work no matter what button I press.

You provided all pre-requisites needed by the motion controller?

Is there any safety input required? Is there any initializing/referencing needed?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 3

Hello, boowon.


As @GerdW told you, most Forum users cannot read Korean -- is a manual in English available?


I notice your code is in LabVIEW 2011.  Are you using NI's Motion Control VIs, which are no longer available for recent versions of LabVIEW?


What do you mean by "checking through the MAX and VISA test panels"?  Did you connect to the Controller, open MAX, configure VISA for a particular Baud Rate and other settings, then send VISA commands (and read back the VISA responses) and observer motion of your system?


If so, start by writing some very simple Test VIs that do exactly the same thing that you did with MAX.  Open VISA, establish a connection to your Controller, get it to respond by identifying itself, and give it a simple command, after which you close the program.  Make the VI simple, do one thing (well, three -- connect, identify, and do a move of one axis), and exit.


You need to "get the pattern right", get a simple command to work, then branch out to do slightly more complicated things (like moving two axes, or move one axis, pause for 2 seconds, then move back to where you started).  Once you have the simple tasks working, you can try something really complex like the XYZ_Stage VI you posted.


Another thing you need to do -- when I open XYZ_Stage, it is full of errors, as there dozens of missing sub-VIs, so I have no idea what you are trying to do.  Please do the following:

  1. Open the Folder containing the Project that contains XYZ_Stage.  I assume this is part of a LabVIEW Project, and a Project file (extension .lvproj) is also in this folder.
  2. Right-click the Folder, choose "Send to ...", and choose "Compressed (zipped) folder".
  3. Attach the resulting .zip file.  Now we'll have all of the VIs, and should be able to open the Project, find XYZ_State, and see all the other VIs that it calls (and that might be failing).

Bob Schor

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