I have found one of the annoying things about Labview's configuration file VI's is that when the configuration file is written, all spacing between sections is eliminated making it hard to read, even if the spacing was there to begin with when the file was read. For example, I would like the file to look like
But it comes out looking like:
making it harder to read.
I made a modification to the file Config Data to String.vi which is located \vi.lib\UTILITY\config.llb\
Make a backup copy of \vi.lib\UTILITY\config.llb\Config Data to String.vi and replace the file in the config.llb with the attachment (saved as LV 8.0).
What I did was any time a section header is to be written to the file, I preceded it with another CRLF character so that it creates a blank line just before the section header. To keep from having an extra blank line at the beginning of the .ini file, it does not create the CRLF there.
I hope others will find this modification useful.