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Missing diagram on Labview 2022

Hi! I need some help with this two diagrams in red. I'm reading a thesis where didn't explain the names or function of them, and i want to transcribe the program. Anyone knew? Thanks!


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Message 1 of 8


  1. Build Cluster
  2. Cluster to Array
  3. Build Array
  4. To DDT
  5. Write To Measurement File 

There's a lot of Rube Goldberg going on there...


This will do exactly the same thing.


  1. Build Array
  2. Write Delimited Spreadsheet
=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Message 2 of 8

Here you go, these are the names of the primitives,




I would highly recommend going through some LabVIEW basic learning material.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 3 of 8

The first one doesn't looks like an NI VI, the second one is an express VI: convert to Dynamic Data.



George Zou
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Message 4 of 8

@GPACHADO wrote:

Hi! I need some help with this two diagrams in red. I'm reading a thesis where didn't explain the names or function of them, and i want to transcribe the program. Anyone knew? Thanks!


Well, that is some code!  if you enjoy Rube- Goldberg devices.  <sigh>

you have three scalar values that are first bundled into a cluster of three scalar elements.  Next the cluster is converted to a 1D array of 3 elements. then passed into "Build arrayt" wich outputs a 2D array of 3 Rows and 1 Column 

All of that is then converted into a Dynamic Data Type that we cannot see the configuration of because it is hidden inside the evil "To DDT Express VI" 


Now, the Write to Measurement File Express vi  NEEDS Dynamic data! But, you could as easily write a 1D Array of 3 values this way.


"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 5 of 8

Hey guys, keep your eyes on the objective here.  If you read the original post it's pretty clear that the poster is pretty new to LabVIEW and is just trying to understand what's going on in code that someone else created and all he has to go on is a screenshot.


Maybe immediately throwing out "Rube Goldberg!" and putting together detailed notes of everything wrong with the code isn't actually helpful?


Instead, as already noted, just give the names of just the two circled nodes (Build Array and Convert to Dynamic Data), along with perhaps a note that "transcribing" code like this can be unreliable?  Calling the code "evil" and providing alternate code that may or may not do the exact same thing depending on the configuration of the Express VI likely isn't helpful.


To the original poster:

The second node you circled and the node the wire it outputs to are Express VIs, and it's not possible to transcribe Express VIs 100% accurately from an image because they have hidden settings that you can only see by double-clicking on them, which isn't possible if you just have an image to work with.


However, the basic function is that it is just saving X, Y, and Z to a file.  The functions between those values and the "write to measurement file" won't change the values at all, which is likely what you care about.  If you need details about the file format, then you will need to make some assumptions because the image you're transcribing from doesn't have that information in it.

Message 6 of 8

@Kyle97330 wrote:

Hey guys, keep your eyes on the objective here.  If you read the original post it's pretty clear that the poster is pretty new to LabVIEW and is just trying to understand what's going on in code that someone else created and all he has to go on is a screenshot.


Maybe immediately throwing out "Rube Goldberg!" and putting together detailed notes of everything wrong with the code isn't actually helpful?


Right, we could have just answered the question and and snickered "good luck" at the rest of their problems because they didn't know enough to know they were doing something wrong, or we could answer their question and give them some advice that could actually help them become a better programmer.


Some of the best help I have received in this forum is when people have pointed out what I was doing wrong regardless of that being the question I asked. 



=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
Message 7 of 8

Note that the "to dynamic data" has a configuration panel with 7 choices and multiple options, and there is no way to tell from a picture how it is configured. Similarly, the "write to measurement file" also has tons of possibilities that we cannot see.


The combinatorial possibilities are nearly infinite!!! The chances to duplicate this exactly from a picture are nearly zero!







I think whoever gave you this picture was playing a joke on you! Maybe start with a description what the program is supposed to do and we show you have to do it with less than half the primitives. Or do 20 minutes worth of beginner tutorials and do it yourself.


Is this a one-shot deal or inside a loop? (I sure hope you are not using the "continuous run" button!) Does it continually append to, or overwrite the existing file?

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Message 8 of 8