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Labview or Lab Windows/CVI

In which situation, we would choose Labview over Lab Windows/CVI, and vice versa? Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4
If you are in a heavily C environment, like it and love it, choose CVI. If you are not, and want to enjoy programming and do it fast: choose Labview.
And if you ask me: choose Labview.

Message 2 of 4
Maybe your choice mustn't be so superficial...
Answer at these question:
- Do I need fast execution on my programs?
- Do I need to use many windows-style objects? (eg. Pop-up menu, simple tree management, easy manage of window size)
- Are there all objects I need on my favourite?

I think that CVI is more efficent in complex and heavy operations/meaurement than Labview, CVI is better for windows-style programming. Labview from this part is easyer and grafically better, and i think there are more blocks available on standard library.

What I suggest is to contact a NI consultant and keep better your choice in accord with your application's requests.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4
Well said, Neona.

It boils down to preference and requirements.
Both will do the job. LabView is easier if you are familiar with it. Quicker to learn if you don't have a strong C/C++ background. Performance wise, CVI may be better, but there are other influences as well, such as speed of PC, etc.

Define the requirements. Look at the timing constraints (if any) and follow Neona's suggestion.

Personally, I tend to choose LabView over CVI because I can quickly create a VI or modify an existing one to do what I need to implement. But that is a personal preference...


Message 4 of 4