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LabView 2017 Pro, Where is the Typedef option

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Hi Users, I am new again to LabView (used in 2000), and have found tutorials on creating customer controls using Typedef.  In my version 2017 I do not find the right-click option to dive into the typedef area of manipulating a numeric control for example.  I am attempting to customize the control's appearance, change font type, remove scroll arrows etc.  I had also seen for example being able to change a slider icon to a know or any like size bitmap or image.  I attempt to change to a "G type" but doesn't seem to give me the detailed allowance for manipulation to the control's pieces.  


Example of the type of alteration I'm looking to understand and duplicate such graphic use:


I am very familiar with other company gui frameworks that allow this style of graphic manipulation I mention but my company project is requiring primary use of LabView.


Thank you for point me to any guidance to enable my progress.



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Message 1 of 7

LabVIEW (meaning not LabVIEW NXG) does not have NXG-type Controls.  The Video that you watched (from LabVIEW 2013, well before NXG had its brief "Moment in the Sun") has basically the same Tools for manipulating TypeDefs as LabVIEW 2017.  Note that this "Cylinder" example needed two custom-made PNG files for the body and piston of the cylinder -- I don't think that LabVIEW "made" these components, but some "Draw" or "Paint" program probably did.


It is tempting to "play" with Front Panel controls when starting LabVIEW (I remember doing this, myself ...), but you should really concentrate on learning how to program in LabVIEW, how to take advantage of TypeDefs to "hide" complexity (for example, almost every Cluster you create will benefit by saving it as a TypeDef), how to take advantage of LabVIEW's natural ability to do "parallel processing" (due to its being a "Data Flow" language), and how to interface LabVIEW with hardware using DAQmx.


Bob Schor

Message 2 of 7



I'm also still using 2017, and your video shows exactly how it's done in LV2017, too.


Maybe, are you missing a step from the video?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Hi Bob,

So I am using LabVIEW NXG, apologize the LabView was possibly misleading.


I find when I follow the video I linked to, I do not get the same right click options to dive into Typedef.

So this is where I am lost to find my way (expecting it must be simple haha) to where I can do the individual control part selection and manipulation.




When you speak of programming LabView, are you referring to creating C++ .dll's for calling from LabVIEW, I've briefly run across some getting into this.


Thank you again for your assistance to guide me,


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7
Accepted by PlumPine

Sebastian / Bob,

Apologize with so many applications loaded on my pc, I should have looked sooner that I have both NXP and regular LabVIEW 2017.  I have opened LV2017 and is setup just as the video.  (Smack me in the head with silly-putty at this point, or que up the next pot of coffee 😉  I'll step into the correct platform now and see where I can now get lost. 


Thank you again for the responses! 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

<Slap in the head = Silly Putty>

Rem just seeing where this goes

</Slap in the head = waterballoon>

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

@PlumPine wrote:

When you speak of programming LabView, are you referring to creating C++ .dll's for calling from LabVIEW, I've briefly run across some getting into this.

No, I'm talking about using a Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench to write computer programs that can interact with Data Acquisition and Process Control hardware to solve various tasks, including providing a User-Friendly Interface (sometimes called a "Front Panel") to allow Human Control of the "Instrument" while providing to the Operator visual or audio indicators to monitor the state of the (Virtual) Instrument.


Bob Schor

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Message 7 of 7