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LabVIEW FPGA digital output

Hello, I am new to LabVIEW FPGA. I have a rio 7852r card and SCB-68A board. My LabVIEW version is 2020(32 bit). I want to create some digital signals and output them to digital I/O nodes. I have seen in the tutorial video number 9 and using the signal generation from the FPGA math, I was able to connect the analog output. But I am trying to use the square signal with amplitude 1 and the conversion fixed point to unsigned. It does not connect to the digital I/O. How do I generate any amplitude digital signals from this signal generation in FPGA math? Also is there a way to see the output wave? 

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Message 1 of 3

DIO only accepts Boolean. If you want to connect the square wave with an amplitude of 1, you can use Greater Than 0? node under Comparison palette to convert it to Boolean.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 2 of 3

Actually, the square wave function generator has a boolean option inside, and it worked.

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Message 3 of 3