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How can I plot a data wire (multiple plots) onto a realtime waveform chart

I have a data wire (it has 3 lines od data from a DAQ) that I want to display on a waveform chart with a current time display on the x-axis. I have tried using Build Waveform, however the Y will not accept more than a 1-D array.


In the first attachemnt I have the block diagram I am using (the "real time strip chart 2" is the one I am reffering to) asI am trying to update the first one without deleting it yet.


The second attachemnt shows the front panel. To be clear, what I want to do is simply make the large graph have a current time display on the bottom. The smaller graph is correct, however it only displays one graph(I had it indexed at the time of the screenshot)


Thanks for any help!

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Message 1 of 3

From the pictures you seem to be using xy graphs instead of regular graphs or  charts.

Do you know the difference?


... and please attach your VIs. We cannot debug images. Thanks!

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Message 2 of 3



Echoing Altenbach, a waveform chart would be perfectly suited for what you are trying to do. Like you said, one waveform can only accept one 1D array of values, so you would need to create a waveform for each channel of data, which is easily done in an auto-indexing for loop.

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