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How can I perform a communication using UTP with LV?!


I´m want to perform a communication between two computers using UTP. I´m want to sent a sinousidal signal and receive the same signal at same frequency. How can I complete this job?!

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Message 1 of 4

@8144-9199 wrote:

I´m want to perform a communication between two computers using UTP. I´m want to sent a sinousidal signal and receive the same signal at same frequency. How can I complete this job?!


You probably mean UDP. UTP is the type of cable used for networks. That said it is usually better to use TCP/IP for communication between two applications. For both open Help->Find Examples and search for TCP or UDP in there to find some eaxamples how to achieve what you want.

Rolf Kalbermatter

Message Edited by rolfk on 06-12-2006 02:36 PM

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 2 of 4

Yeah, more especifically...I´m would like to perform this communication at an ethernet network using LV. You said that TCP/IP is better for this applications. So, how can I communicate two or more computers using TCP/IP with LV?!


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Message 3 of 4
I'm sure Rolf will have a better answer than this, but to get the ball rolling...

TCP/IP is better because it is more reliable and secure.  There are a number of TCP/IP vi's located in Data Communication->Protocols in LV 8, and I think just Communication->TCP/IP in 7.1.  Not sure about other versions.

You need to be careful with port selection if you've got any sort of firewall in place.  Even if you don't, make sure that if you run into errors it's not due to using reserved/blocked ports.

Hope this helps.
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