02-04-2009 04:55 AM
Why there are so big differences of the same source?
The following is the S/S displayed in my enduser's PC.
But in my PC, the same VIs(source) are displayed as following:
what's the reason?
And I was told the enduser and me have the same settings of font as the following.
I have tried to find the reason in different ways, but finally failed.
For example,
Different OS: Windows XP(English Edition), Vista(Japanese Edition)
Different DPI: Normal size(96dpi), Large size(120dpi)
Different Screen resolution: 800*600, 1280*1024
are all been tested, but the ugly ones are not reappeared in my environment......
I need ur assistance badly, help me plz.......
02-04-2009 05:02 AM - edited 02-04-2009 05:05 AM
In File menu, select VI properties, then select window size, choose "Maintain proportions of window .... and Scale all objects on front panel.... " (I don't have LabVIEW in my system right now. so try it.)
02-04-2009 06:19 AM - edited 02-04-2009 06:24 AM
This behavior, and the ugly graph cursor display introduced in labview 8.0 is the two properties I dislike most in labview. The problem with your font is that Labview scales the font size depending on the settings selected in Display properties->Appearance->Font Size. You find these windows settings by right clicking in the on an icon free area in your desktop. The font scaling will apply to the standard font types in Labview like application, system, and dialog. If the font settings are different in your development computer and the target computer, the front panel may look god on your computer, and totally messed up on the target computer. This will also occur if you have used some fancy fonts not installed on the target computer.
The solution to this problem is to NOT use application, system, or the dialog font style. If you are distributing an exe application you may create your own labview.ini file with the correct settings for the standard Labview fonts, and include it in the installer. You will find more about it here http://wiki.lavag.org/LabVIEW_configuration_file/Fonts. Anyway I can not see why this "bug" not has been fixed. It has been like this at least since Labview 3.1. If you write a word document you certainly not want the font size to change depending on the windows settings.
Also be careful with the tip from mathan. This may also cause your front panel to look ugly in some cases
Last minute edit.
You may also insert the font settings in the labview.ini file on your computer and the target computer. This may help. If the ini file do not contain any font settings, default values are used. Perhaps you can write a sub.vi doing this. The labview.ini is pure text
02-04-2009 09:31 PM
mathan , thx to post ur advice
But it can not solve my problem, cause I need to fix the screen resolution at 800X600 normally.
if I set like that, some time it becomes more ugly....
but thx all the same..
02-04-2009 10:06 PM
Thx to ur good advice, it makes them looks better as I change the target pc's ini file with mine
But only on occasions of the 1st/3rd pic.
On occasions of the Error Message.vi, the "Driver description" and "Driver Codes" are still mixed together as the 2nd pic.
(I ensure the "size to text" of the "Driver description" is checked, cause they are the same sources and I have also confirmed it on the ugly one)
and the [VI name] string constant(2nd pic) is not [Right edges] with other controls as the 3rd pic.
How can I solve these problems? As u say, maybe these are also the LabVIEW's bug, therefore different endusers may get different result....
Really big headache....
If u know the resolutions or even some good ideas that I can make the different endusers get the same results, plz help me.
02-04-2009 10:18 PM
Dear Nikko,
I saw from your pictures, that OS were different. One is Vista and other one is XP(I think). I faced the same problem one month back. I developed my application in XP and when i run it on VISTA, the front panel controls got screwed up. I posted in the forum here. And i got the suggestion which i posted here in this thread which i think it might help you. Sorry that it didn't work out.
02-04-2009 11:05 PM
Dear Mr. mathan
Never mind,
The method ur posted I tried weeks ago but could not solve my problem
cuz the controls may be masked by the fixed size window on some occasions
02-05-2009 02:46 AM
Did you try to use specific fonts instead of trying to define the look of application/system/dialog fonts?
For instance, use Arial or Times.
02-05-2009 03:22 AM
Hi Nikko
Did you do it correct? After changing the font settings you have to restart Labview compleatly. I inserted this in my labview.ini file
FPFont="Tahoma" 13
BDFont="Tahoma" 13
appFont="Tahoma" 13
dialogFont="Tahoma" 13
systemFont="Tahoma" 13
After I did this the font size stayed as I wanted. Regardless of the windows font size or screen size. If you are building a exe file you must make a coustum labview.ini file with these settings and include it in your build script
02-05-2009 06:54 AM