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Error - 201401 occurred at DAQmx Start 7220002



I got this error message for DAQ9191 wirelessly connected to the PC running windows 8.


It says "Retrieving properties from the network device failed. Make sure the device is connected."


The system runs well for a few days and then suddenly stops because of this error, and when I hit "Continue", it runs successfully again. It is very strange.


Please let me know what is going on. 


Thank you so much!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

That is pretty peculiar, I'll talk to some of my colleagues here at NI and get back to you!

Rob B
FlexRIO Product Manager
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Thanks a lot.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

I believe the error may be due to a network communication issue and not a LabVIEW / DAQ issue. Could you check the following things? 

1. Has your computer been going to sleep at all while you are acquiring data?

2. Is there a certain frequency to these failures? (like "I receive this error every 60 hours on the dot")


You can also try using WireShark to analyze your network activity to troubleshoot why it might be losing connection. Here is a great white paper article on how to do that:


Let me know if that helps!

Rob B
FlexRIO Product Manager
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Thank you so much Rob,


1. I configured the computer not go to sleep mode at all, so it is unlikely to happen, I believe;

2. There is no fix cycle or frequency to those failures. To my best memory, it happened less frequently recently than before. But no pattern is found.


It is a great suggestion to monitor the network. We are using wireless, so there is a possibility of instability. I will try the WireShark software.


What I have done is use the error handlying and restart the program automatically again once the error occurs. It sould work for now.


Thank you so so much for your help.





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8



Feel free to post your updates after a few days of monitoring the network, I'll continue to monitor this forum.



Rob B
FlexRIO Product Manager
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Hi Rob,


I mentioned to you I have re-programed it with error handling. Basically when the error occurs, it will try to restart the loop again. It seems it works for some occasions, because I got some data sets with one instance missing, which indicating it stopped and restarted. However, in some cases, the whole chunk of data is missing, which means the program failed to re-start. It is frustrating...


As to the company network, I believe the wifi is pretty stable. We will try to move the computer closer to the data logger in the same room. 





0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8



I would also try it from another computer, it could be an issue with that computer's connectivity to the network.



Rob B
FlexRIO Product Manager
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8