The Adobe knowledgebase article actually pointed me in the right
direction and I was able to solve the issue. Thanks to all who gave
advise, you guys are the reason these forums work!
The error message was actually coming from the Microsoft Installer, not
from anything related to National Instruments. Also, ironically, what
the message said was spot on with one exception, while I personally had
access to the registry key, the installer didn’t. What I ended up doing
was going into the registry using regedit and setting the permissions
on the key in questions such that “Everyone” had full access. After
that I uninstalled LabView then reinstalled and it worked fine this
time. The step by step follows:
1) Open the registry editor by selecting "Run" from the start menu and then typing in "regedit".
2) Browse through the registry and select the entry mentioned in the error message.
3) Choose "Permissions..." from either the edit menu or by right-clicking on the registry key's parent directory.
4) Click the "Advanced" button to add a new user.
5) Type in "Everyone" as the new user and click OK (it may not be
necessary to give everyone full control but this is what I did and it
6) Configure the permissions for user "Everyone" to "Full Control"
7) Uninstall LabView (if necessary) and re-install.
Best regards,