02-01-2010 12:26 PM
I'm trying to do a drag and drop from left cluster into the tab
I'd like to make it that if the user drag the button which is already inside the tab menu out of the tab menu (back to the cluster), it will be removed
What I've tried to far is, having a ring where when "remove" is selected (after "udp" is dragged into the tab menu) the user can click anywhere in the tab and the "udp" inside will disappear
The problem with this is, if let say the user has "tcp" and "udp" inside the tab, when the user select "remove" when wanted to remove "tcp", "udp" will disappear. If I try to drag "udp" back into the tab menu, it won't reappear
How should I keep track of which is which and be able to remove and place it back when I need to?
And another question, is it possible to do a loop where the objects (buttons of tcp udp etc) will be created each time?
What I did was, make 2 objects for both (ie 2 nodes, 2 agents, 2 traffics). It limits the user to only use 2 nodes 2 agents and 2 traffics
Thanks 🙂
02-13-2010 11:45 AM
Multiple event structures handleing the same event WITH FP LOCKING. You may wish to rethink your base design. I won't go into it TOO much but.... start by reading the help for events and explore the LV examples. See if you might find a few ideas for increasing your code readability.
Creating buttons on the fly (while the vi is running) is STRICTLY forbidden. It would cause a recompile and you can't compile while running (Create button- compile new vi - pass all values to the new vi- close old vi- run new vi- handel undo ops- Nope It would CRASH HARD so it cannot be done)