> certainly want to change to use a type definition of a cluster and not re-create it separately in multiple places in your code
Yes I wish to avoid that and I created a .ctl file for this but I don't know how to use it.
I tried but for some reason I've not been able to.
I've only been able to connect it to the "Initalize Array" instance:
But I cannot understand how to do it with the "Insert Into Array".
> Also, you probably want to have the array be either on a shift register, or use a conditional output terminal
I don't get it, can you explain? I'm passing the iterator to the "Insert into array" function... this will not work? Of course the VI was not 'returning' the resulting array I'm working on this but I got some unexpected results:
But in the front panel ...
Why they got two indexes? It looks like boards is 2D....
And also error has become an array of errors....????