10-30-2006 11:50 AM
Ok, that was rather stream-of-consciousness, but I hope it serves at least as a starting point for people wanting to make sophisticated LabVIEW UIs by utilizing the Picture Control. Before I worked on this project, somebody once told me that you can pretty much make *any* kind of UI in LabVIEW with the Picture Control. And you know what? I think they're right!
10-30-2006 12:02 PM
Nice Nugget Darren!
Your suggestion for speeding up the dragging operation is a real gem.
I have generally avioded the drag-n-drop in my applications due to the performance hit.
Thank you!
10-30-2006 12:32 PM - edited 10-30-2006 12:32 PM
...and to help sell the versitility of the picture control, here is a collection of just some of the GUI I've developed using the picture control.
Annotated graph (in LV 6.1)
Derivative of a bear (one of my wifes favorites)
Reconfigurable fume hood image 1
fume hood image 2
Protocol analyzer display
Rotating graph (projected behind band while playing)
And my first serious attempt at using the picture control, my model railroad
Message Edited by Ben on 10-30-2006 12:32 PM
10-30-2006 02:57 PM
10-30-2006 04:14 PM
10-31-2006 10:49 AM
10-31-2006 11:10 AM
Thank you for sharing that Matt!
I will embed the image here.
The above image shows part of the UI that is available in a 21-CFR-11 complient Environmental monitoring system that is commercially available and allows the end users to import a set of map of their facility. They can define the position of icons assocated with the physical location of sensors that are integrated using networks of cFP nodes.
Mouse-ver an icon gives you the name of the sensor (Ice Bath) and the current reading.
Right-click on the icon gives you a plot of the variable vs time.
Left-Click (by an authorized user) allows access to the configuration of the sensor.
Due to the high channel count of this application, the picture control allowed us to by-pass the " max 550 controls on FP" limitation that existed in earlier version of LV.
11-01-2006 01:06 PM - edited 11-01-2006 01:06 PM
Although I may not have a flashy FP to show at this moment, I think I have you all topped out for working w/ the picture control.
I'll try to keep this short but I'm really excited to talk about it so we'll see how it goes.
It all started w/ needing to stream a picture from a frame grabber to the front panel on a really crappy PC.
Taking the data as an array of u8 and doing the conversion w/ the LV VIs and redrawing for each frame was really slow, about 8fps.
I couldn't use the vision toolkit as it needed to be platform independent.
Solution: Totally disect framework of the picutre control on a byte level (flatten to string), do a repace on the existing string w/ the new data from the camera(inplace function(no new memory)), and then do a concantenate string w/ a blank picture and redraw to the picture control
Result: over 45fps
All that disection....wait let me explain what disection meant
Disection(verb): Opening up every LV picture VI, seeing how the data is structured within each picture type and its appropriate opCode, and then keeping track of each element that was drawn on a picture control so thatt if I needed to modify, say the color of a line amidst 200 lines. I didn't need to redraw all 200 lines w/ 1 haveing the new color, I would just recall the location in the byte stream of where the the line is and the color for that specific line was stored and then change it to the appropriate value.
ex: Picture control framework [32 bits defining total size of following data for entire control][16 bits: opCode(picture part)][32bits: size of data for specific opCode][data of opCode]REPEAT last 3 for every part in control
4: set pixel
5: Pen move
6: Pen Move to
7: Line
8: Line to
16: Poly-Line
17: Fill Poly
41: Select Pen
10: Rect Fill
9: Rect Frame
15: Gray out Rect
25: Round Rect Fill
24: Round Rect Frame
12: Oval Fill
11: Oval Frame
14: Arc Fill
13: Arc Frame
18: Text Box
31: New Font
29: Copy Pixmap
40: Copy PIxmap w/ mask
The long and the short of it, is that because NI has left the structure of the picture control open, we are free to create our own tools to push the control to the limits. If I was ever able to create a tool that showed handles on individual items that were drawn already, using these techniques you could do a 'free transform' on something like a triangle poly, and move individual joints aoround.
I've got way more to say but I've gone on too long alreday.
oooh Wait I've got Pictures too
~,~ The Captain Was Here
Norm Kirchner
CLD (Certified LV Dancer)
Message Edited by NJKirchner on 11-01-2006 01:10 PM
11-01-2006 01:25 PM
It is an honour to be trumped by the Captain*!
I saved your posting off-line for further study.
Thank you Norm. Please feel free to tump me any day!
* For those of you who are not familiar with "The Captain", Norm Kirchner was the first (to the best of my knowledge) person to teach the world how to write a VI using a VI aka "scripting", is very active on the LAVA forum, and demonstrated his dancing at NI-Week 2006.