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Condition reset after data goes below a certain value

I'm developing a peak detection algorithm. I was wondering is it possible to create a condition such that when one point is detected, the data must  go below a certain value before another point can be detected?

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Message 1 of 8

Yes, it is possible.


(Keep the condition in a shift register or feedback node.)


Have you tried the built-in peak detector?

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Message 2 of 8

I have attempted the peak detection, but it picks up a larger peak twice which I would like to stop by saying that the value has to drop below a certain point so it moves to the next peak. I have tried other methods which would also benefit from this condition.

I need to develop another form of algorithm to the built-in vi as I would like to compare different methods and their effectiveness to the built-in detector.


Thank you

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Message 3 of 8

Can you comment on the VI you have attached, because it seems extremely convoluted. What is the purpose of showing us this? Is it your attempt at "peak detection"?


  • The leftmost FOR loop does not need anything orange. What's the purpose of creating an array when you never use the output?
  • Wiring an array to a Waveform attribute makes no sense unless you are using something undocumented. can you explain.
  • Your small loop with the conditional tunnel removes data from the y-array but not from the x-array. Seems lossy.
  • Your boxcar averager could be simplified dramatically (image).
  • Shouldn't your pbbypt min&max be initialize on the first iteration?
  • It seems unlikely that your (large) boolean array to number ever results in a 1. What's the logic behind that?
  • Your loop to "remove duplicates" will be inefficient for large arrays. The resulting array of amplitudes with probably have a very different size than the x-array created and the positions are unrelated to the x-values. 
  • Why are front panel and diagram maximized to the screen?
  • ...

Again, why do you show us this VI. It seems quite unrelated to the problem and looks completely broken in functionality..



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Message 4 of 8

@swilson8 wrote:

I have attempted the peak detection, but it picks up a larger peak twice which I would like to stop by saying that the value has to drop below a certain point so it moves to the next peak.

It seems to pick exactly 6 peaks. looks fine to me. 😄



Message 5 of 8

Sorry for the slow response and the state of the vi. I've been testing lots of things at a time so the vi is rather experimental as I was trying to see what would solve the problem.

The Boolean section was an attempt to create a condition that would mean that only values where dx/dt = 0 and d(^2)x/dt(^2) < 0 would be detected. It kept throwing out an issue where the source was Boolean and the sink was Boolean but it wouldn't accept it for the case structure, I was trying to (but failing) to overcome this.

Your peak detection does appear to give nice values, but it still uses the vi which I am unable to for the purposes of this. This is why I was trying to create this new condition where a peak is detected and then the data must drop below a value before a new peak is then detected.


Thank you

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Message 6 of 8

Every derivative emphasizes noise and your first and second derivative criteria are not suitable for noisy and spaced data.


NI has worked hard developing a robust peak detector and I seriously doubt that you could do better. Unless you only have LabVIEW base, that's what should be used. What's the reason you don't?

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Message 7 of 8

Well if you aren't going to use the NI built-in VIs then you should poke around the web for pre-existing solutions.  There are many available in many languages you could translate and test.  One popular one is by Eli Billauer -


Its quite a clever simple solution to finding peaks/valleys but I haven't tested it on real data to compare to NI VIs.  It works for your data, but probably not all data.


Here's a LabVIEW version of Eli's code, added to altenbach's tidy code for comparison. 

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Message 8 of 8