LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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LINX firmware wizard won't go to the next step


I'm just starting with labview and I'm having problems communicating my arduino with labview. I downloaded linx and went to the firmware wizard and I get stuck there. 

What am I doing so wrong? 

Thanks in advance

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Message 1 of 6

I think is a problem of baud rate only you muste to check

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Message 2 of 6

Tried changing the baud rate, tried releasing the usb ports in case they were being used but still nothing. On windows the firmware wizard works, though I still can't get a connection. On my mac i can't even finish the firmware wizard 

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Message 3 of 6

Hi belinak, please see my thread:


I have posted several videos on how to program an Arduino using LabVIEW and the LINX add-on.


Particularly follow the first video where I show you the steps to install LINX and upload the firmware to your Arduino.


Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Best Regards,

Sin | Electrical Engineer & Principal Consultant 


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Message 4 of 6

Sinc- your video is very helpful- however, it does not answer the problem that Belinak posted about. I am having the same issue.


when you use the firmware wizard the wizard open in the front panel as if we were trying to edit the wizard. it is not actually launching the wizard.


do you have any thoughts?


Thank you

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Message 5 of 6

Hi, did you find the solution to the given issue?

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Message 6 of 6