I want to share a basic code for PWM control with a DC motor, through a Shield (L293 & L298).
I Use a DFROBOT Shield.
My setup is Arduino uno R3, Labview 2010 on MacOS
This worked really well for me. Thanks!
Can this be done with the adafruit motor shield 2.0? I would like the accomplish the same functionality i.e. DC motor speed and direction control with Labview. Not sure which digital pins should be used with this shield.
At the present time LIFA provides support for using stepper motors with the Adafruit motor shield but not DC motors.. If you must use LIFA than you would need to add support for DC motors to the LIFA code.
Or you could use the serial monitor capability of Labview to send commands to a sketch running on an Arduino Uno to control a DC motor.
It is very useful! Thanks
thanks, worked perfectly!!
Hi, I am asking whene I use arduino with the shield L298P it work fine, but with "NI MyRIO" It dosn't work at all ?
I tryed the simple way :
get the pins [4 5 6 7] at "High"
with "arduino" both of 2 motors turn with full speed and same direction
measurements: [3.4 v at pins 4 5 6 7]
with "My RIO" ... nothing happened
measurements: [3.1 v at pins 4, 7] and [2.8v at pins 5, 6].
any ideas guys
can you help me by how i can generat PWN by using serial port (VISA)
arduino and labview
here is my skype " benzo-25" i will try to help you
2016-01-07 7:15 GMT+01:00 harbi <web.community@ni.com>:
NI Community <https://decibel.ni.com/content/index.jspa> Basic DC Motor,
with PWM (CCW & CW) new comment by harbi
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