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sleep mode labview for arm



I am currently facing an issue with labview for arm and a stm32 cortex. I am trying to get into sleep mode but no matter what i do, it seems that the sleep mode is simply ignored.

vi princ.PNG

The first part set the RTC and the second one its alarm, the third part is the sleep mode. The last while loop is here to check if something crashed.

interrupt rtc.PNG

The RTC interrupt works fine because the led lighted turn off.


So when the program starts, it goes immmediately in the while loop and doesn't enter the sleep mode.


Here is the c code of the sleep mode:


   SysTick->CTRL  &= ~(0x00000002);            // systick IRQ off
   //__WFI();   // this doesn't work either
   PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_Regulator_LowPower, PWR_STOPEntry_WFI); // enter stop mode
   SysTick->CTRL  |= (0x00000002);     //systick IRQ on
   *retour_st = 1;  //for test purpose



I don't have any hint of what is the problem, that's why i'm asking to you if you know why everything goes wrong.


Thanks in advance !

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Hi guys! I 've seen you are using Labview for ARM module.


I would like to start with this since I use microcontroller for hobby purpose and labview for Work.


Is possible to use Labview for ARM  with cheaper hardware like  evaluation board EKSLM3s8962  from STELLARIS or ST- STM32 discovery ARM development tool?


Hope you can help.


Thanks in advance



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