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50 khz data acquisition

Hi I am Himmet.

I’m a Test Systems Software Developer in Turkey.

My worked company manufacture to data acquisition systems.Our systems collect 24 bit 250 hz data(mcb 2300 arm 7 labview arm embedded software).can we collect to 50 khz with other software or other microprocessor without dsp or fpga ?What is your recommended solution?

Software Development Coordinator at TDG

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Himmet,


ARM has not enough Power/Ram etc to handle these Data-rates.

An alternative product for data acquisition is LabVIEW embedded on BlackFIN.


Look here at this NI alliance partner:




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Message 2 of 3

Hi Himmet,


I fully agree with Sascha. Our experience have shown, that e.g. the ARM Cortex M3 is able to sample data up to 1kHz. However, if you want to move into the 2 or even 3 digit KHz range, the blackfin is a good choice. We have achieved block oriented data acquisition at 250kHz and continuos daq at 50kHz.


The issue is not primarely to sample the data. This might be achieved by the underlaying low-level drivers written directly in "C". But the data needs to be processed (floating point !) , saved to a filesystem, communicated somewhere. There's where we have found most of the bottlenecks. Algorithm-benchmarking is a good means to find them.


Best regards

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Message 3 of 3