Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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viOpenDefaultRM returns -1073807300 using Python 2.6


I have tried one of the NI Python examples for VISA programming (see below).

But the viOpenDefaultRM returns an error -1073807300.

I'm very new at Python,- but it seems that Python converts my ctype int to a long and maybe viOpenDefaultRM can't support that. But I'm just guessing.

Anyone knows whats wrong?


My GPIB/VISA installation works fine using C++.


best regards



#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

from ctypes import *

dll = windll.LoadLibrary("visa32.dll")

#    1. Open Resource Manager                                      
#    2. Open VISA Session to an Instrument
#    3. Set Timeout Attribute
#    4. Write the Identification Query Using viWrite               
#    5. Try to Read a Response With viRead                         
#    6. Close the VISA Session & Resource Manager
#    7. Display an error if any.

#Note: All VISA function return 0 on success.
#This example checks for 0 at each step and reports an error for non-zero return values

#Open Resource Manager
resourceManagerHandle = c_int(0)        ##Resource Manager Handle

print "Opening Resource Manager"

#First get the resource manager handle. This will be used next to get a handle to the instrument
#Function Prototype: ViStatus viOpenDefaultRM(ViPSession sesn)
returnValue = dll.viOpenDefaultRM(byref(resourceManagerHandle))

if returnValue != 0:
    print >> sys.stderr, "Could not open Resource Manager. Error: ", returnValue


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Problem solved......


I used

dll = windll.LoadLibrary("c:\Python26\visa32.dll")

instead of the one posted. I copied the dll to the Python dir. Not a good idea.


Best regards


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