I am trying to communicate over ethernet with a Uni-Trend UT8805E Digital Multimeter using pyvisa. I am able to open a connection and am able to write to the device without hassle (I think), as I am able to see changes on the screen on the device that line up with the commands I send. For instance, I am able to change the trigger source, trigger a measurement, change the measurement type. I am also sometimes able to use instrument.query() with several standard commands like *ESR?. However, if I try to use instrument.query("*IDN?"), I get an EOFError. Also, *ESR? returns 32, which I understand to mean the device didn't understand the command or the previous command hasn't been processed yet.
read_stb() returns 0. read_raw() throws a VI_ERROR_TMO (-1073807339): Timeout expired before operation completed (this error returns quickly, even if I make the timeout very long).
I am unable to query the ID, but can query some other standard commands. I am also unable to read or query any of the commands in the programming manual.
I am including a link to the programming manual here:
but I found it to be lacking information so I've also been looking at the manual for a similar device from the same company:
Lastly, I am doing this on an Ubuntu machine so I doubt
Any help is greatly appreciated.