I highly recommend you to adopt USBTMC-USB488 class, because it is natural to categorize your logic analyzer to T&M instruments. If you and/or your customers want to remote control the instrument using LabVIEW, NI-VISA that natively supports USBTMC and USBTMC-USB488 instruments can be used very easily.
Also, if you plan to implement IEEE488.2/SCPI or similar ASCII command-based programming interface on your instrument, the USBTMC-USB488 class is the best choice as the class specifications are well considered for designing GPIB-like command interfaces. Even if using USBTMC-USB488, however, your instrument does not have to be IEEE488.2/SCPI compliant.
このメッセージは 03-23-2006 10:39 AMに Makoto が編集しています。