11-09-2019 12:00 AM
Hello All
It was the first time I used the Fluke 8846A.I could connect to 8846A with socket , and it done perfectly;But now I have a question that if I can do same thing like connect to Fluke 8846A in Lan Port using the NationalInstruments.Visa. It disturbed me for a queit time;
What I have done:
I've downloaded the Fluke 884X driver set and installed. I have no idea after reading <8845A/8846A Digital Multimeter Programmers Manual>
And I have used google to search such thing. If anybody have such sample I would like to learn it;Since I'm new to NI, perhaps I've missed something?
12-13-2022 01:43 AM
Even if this post is a bit old, I'll post a solution here.
The Problem is, that the Fluke 884x Device is not VXI11 compatible, that's why I modified the driver.
In the modification an LF is always attached to the VISA Write, I also modified the Initialize.vi so that the necessary parameters for the TCP/IP connection will be set. The Error Querry.vi is modified that the note message 1073676293 does not appear.
This message appears because only one LF is expected when reading VISA and the device sends a CR/LF.
First you have to add a "Manual Entry of Raw Socket" TCP/IP Resource in NI-MAX, as Hostname and Port, set the TCP/IP Adress and the Port of the Device (take a look at the setup of the measuring device)