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NI-SCOPE Soft front Panel



Plz, anyone with codes (Block Diagram) used in NI-SCOPE Soft front Panel?



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Message 1 of 2

Hello Koye88,


From your post, it looks like you are looking for example VIs whose block diagram code allows you to perform functions similar to the NI-Scope Soft Front Panel.  Is this understanding correct?


The NI-Scope Soft Front Panel uses the capabalities of the NI-SCOPE driver API to in a pre-built interface.  This means the lower level VIs that ship with the NI-Scope driver can be used to build similar VIs of your own.  Please find the steps below to find NI-Scope examples.


If you do NOT have NI-Scope installed, click on this link to download and install the latest version.  Otherwise, go to to find earlier versions.


Once it is installed:

  1. Go to 'Start'->'All Programs'->'National Instruments'->'NI-Scope'->'Examples'->'LabVIEW 8.6'
  2. Search through folder for examples that perform various NI-Scope functions
  3. Open the file 'niScope VI' to learn more about the VIs that have just been installed


If you require more information, please reply back with the exact function you would like to perform, as well as:


  1. The Operating System you are working with
  2. The Digitizer board you are using
  3. The version of LabVIEW you have installed



George T.
Senior Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK and Ireland
Message 2 of 2