Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Ke2000 and Ke7002 driver issue

I am using a labview code to drive a DMM(Ke2000) and a Switching System(Ke7002). It's giving me the following error

"VISA Wait on Event in Wait for RQS.VI:2100001->Keithley 2000.lvlib:Wait for>Keithley 2000.lvlib:Data Read>"

Is this error related to instrument drivers? I have installed Ke2000 2018 version instrument driver. The code is 2017 code.

When I try to communicate with the instrument using NI488.2 communicator, its shows the following error:

iberr = EABO

EABO indicates that an I/O operation has been canceled, usually due to a timeout condition after a GPIB read. Before reading from the instrument, verify that the GPIB command you are sending is understood by your device and instructs it to place data in its output buffer. For information on your device's command syntax, consult the instrument manufacturer's user documentation.

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