Hello Everyone,
I am trying to establish connections with Keysight PNA N5222B and Agilent VNA E5701C using the appropriate visa drivers via USB o Ubuntu 20.04.
I am using the ni Hardware configuration utility and the interactive control but neither one detect the instrument. I ran the /usr/bin/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ni-visa/usb/AddUsbRawPermissions.sh as prompted and provided the instruments vendor and product ID correctly as shown from PuTTy. Terminal then says device added successfully, unplug and plug it back to save changes.
I also appended 'blacklist tsmc' tov the 'etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf' file.
Neither instrument appear still nor are detected if I type the command lsni -v in terminal. I am not sure where to go from here but any help is appreciated.