Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Garbage on a NI-9870

I'm new to the cRIO and LabVIEW world.


I need to read streams of NMEA-0183 formatted sentences (ASCII) on a cRIO-9040.  I have installed an NI-9870 for that purpose.  I developed a small VI in LabVIEW 2022Q3 (SerialRead_9870.jpg) to configure the serial port and read the incoming data.  NMEA format is 4800 baud, 1 start bit, no parity, 1stop bit, no  flow control.  I am running PUTTY on a laptop to transmit recorded NMEA sentences.


When I run the VI on the cRIO, I get garbage in the Read Buffer window as show in cRIO_9870_ASRL5.jpg.  It does not generate any error messages though.  When I run the same VI on my Development PC, I get proper NMEA sentences as show in DevPC_COM4.jpg.


I'm thinking the issue is not with my VI, but is something to do with the 9870.  As you can see I am using VISA controls and the cRIO is configured from RT Scan.  Any suggestions?

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One additional piece of information that may be of assistance.


If I select ASRL1 as the COM port (that is the RS232 port on the cRIO-9040), then the NMEA sentences appear in the read buffer just like they do in the DevPC_COM4 photo.  All good.


So then, obviously something is up with my NI-9870.  I have the NI-Serial 9870 and 9871 Scan Engine Support driver (Ver installed.  Is there any additional setup to do that I'm not aware of?

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To followup, the 9870 was returned to the vendor for testing and repair if necessary.

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