Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Error 37 with serial port / no with hyperterminal

I have added to my Pc a card with two serial port, I can access to them by hyperteminal or by labview but only at port 0 and 1 at the same time or 2 and 3, if not I have an error 37. What can I do?
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Error 37 means that LabVIEW cannot find the appropriate serial device. This indicates that one of the following conditions exists:
LabVIEW cannot open the specified serial port;
LabVIEW cannot find the file serpdrv.

Make sure that the serial driver was installed before the board, and that the com ports appear normally in the control panel. If you cannot get it working, contact NI through either phone or email support. Since there are several potential causes, this is difficult to diagnose without more information. You can contact NI using the following webpage.

Kim L.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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