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Could this be a hardware conflict?

Even though the Resources tab states "no conflicts" for my internal dial up PCI slot modem, my computer locks up or freezes  whenever the hyper terminal test is performed. Colud this still be a hardware conflict & if so how do I fix?
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Message 1 of 3


Does this device work with other applications, other than HyperTerminal? If you move it to a different PCI slot, do you same behavior?

You may want to contact the PCI modem manufacturer for additional help. I wish I had a better answer for you.


Missy S.
Project Engineer
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Message 2 of 3
I tried moving the device to PCI slot # 2 with the same results, the computer locks up as soon as I enter the terminal screen. This PCI device is one of those hodgepodge collection from all different sources. Audio transmitter from Atech, chipset from PCTel. I doubt PCTel would be able to help me the drivers I obtained from the Conexant website.It's probsbly been altered by the computer manufacturer Acer as well. I just want to see if I can get it to produce a dialtone if you could hel please?.
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Message 3 of 3