I am using the PCI RS-485/2 card with Labview 6.1.
I have the card set up for a buad rate of 115,200, odd parity, 1 stop bit 8 data bits in 2-wire mode with echo and DTR control.
When I send an RS-485 message, I am able to read and display it. However, when I read a message from my device I get the message and display it, but it does not seem to be being flushed by the buffer. The TX messages are being flushed.
In fact, if I disconnect my device and run my labview VI a second time I still get the messages my device sent when it was hooked up last time.
I do not have this problem if I exit my VI.
I have tried the VISA clear and VISA flush I/O buffer.
Note that I did modify the clock on my RS/485
card, so that I can get an odd baud rate of 128,000. That may be where my problem lies. However, if that were the case, I don't understand why it flushes when I read transmitted data and not received data.
VI attached.