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SPI enlarge SPI Frame Size for LED-Stripe SK6812



i want to control an LED-Stripe SK6812 via LINX. If i do so with the LabVIEW example SPI-Benchmark it works fine, but only for the first 10 LEDs. 

I need to make the SPI Frame Size bigger than U8-Data-type. The bytes i have to send to control the led-stripe are bigger than 255. 

If i want to send more data, the SPI Communication is splitted, and that interrupts my communication with the led-stripe


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Message 1 of 5

can you share your code? 


you can send various U8 data in array using SPI, have you tried?

Jorge Augusto Pessatto Mondadori, PhD
Sistema Fiep
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Message 2 of 5

yes, i have tried sending U8 data in an array

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Message 3 of 5

hmmm i am not sure if this will help but here goes nothing?

1) you dont need to open and close communication with your hardware every loop.
2) you can use N frames in the spi polimorphic VI to send an array.
3) have you tried programming your hardware with its own IDE? is it an arduino? if it is, i would recommend using custom command, debugging these kinds of trouble can be difficult, hence custom command may be easier to implement.

Jorge Augusto Pessatto Mondadori, PhD
Sistema Fiep
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Message 4 of 5

1) thanks for the hint

2) i've tried to use N-frames, but it doesn't change anything

3) ok than i am going to look into custom commands, maybe that could be the solution

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