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Anyone having success building a .so file and running in LINX?

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Anyone having success building a .so file and running in LINX?


I am having trouble at the compile steps. I will post more info today.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

LINX target installed on Raspberry Pi 4 B is: 20.0.0-4

Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) with desktop version: August 2020 (2020-08-20)

Kervel Version: 5.4


I follow the following steps found here: https://www.labviewmakerhub.com/doku.php?id=learn:tutorials:libraries:linx:misc:build-on-target


For code, I try to make the simplest C code that I can think of.  I know I can compile and run it as an exe outside of chroot on Raspberry Pi:


int returnZero() {
return 0;

int returnOne() {
return 1;

int main() {
return 0;


I place this code here: root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/lv_ccode/test_func.c


I run this command with no error while in labview chroot: gcc -c -Wall -Werror -fpic test_func.c


I enter the next command: gcc -shared -o libtest_func.so test_func.o


And proceed to get the following information:

/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find crtbeginS.o: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find crtendS.o: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find crtn.o: No such file or directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


I do not understand why others have had no problems at this step, however I am having errors on a simple C program.


So I exit labview chroot and return to the normal file location: cd /home/pi/lv_ccode


And repeat the above two gcc lines of commands with no errors. So now I have libtest_func.so, which I then place into chroot /usr/lib here: cp libtest_func.so /srv/chroot/labview/usr/lib


And verify that it is in fact there at labview chroot /usr/lib, which it is.


So now I use a Call Library Function Node to call this .so file that I have now created, and place it in a LabVIEW while loop will all the correct connections.



And then click on "Run"


Calculating dependencies...
Checking items for conflicts. This operation could take a while...
Preparing items for download. This operation could take a while...
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Local IO.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:myRIO.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Interaction Parts Kit.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Servo.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:LTC2631.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:AD9850.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:TCN75A.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:TMP3x.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:SSD1306.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodACL.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodACL2.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodALS.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodJSTK.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodGYRO.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodTC1.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodMIC3.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodMAXSONAR.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodBT2.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodCMPS.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodTMP3.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:PmodGPS.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:HiTechnic.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:HiTechnic.lvlib:Accelerometer.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:DS1307.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Ultrasonic.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:MMA8452.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:MPU60X0.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:ADXL345.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:MMA8451.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:BlinkM.lvlib
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:WS2812.lvlib
Deploying raspberrypi(successfully deployed target settings)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Packet Number FGV Action.ctl (1.49 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Interface.ctl (1.49 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device Data.ctl (1.65 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:User Platform.ctl (1.49 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:TCP Config.ctl (1.57 K)
Deploying whitespace.ctl (1.49 K)
Deploying Trim Whitespace.vi (3.17 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device Firmware.ctl (1.70 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Firmware Version.ctl (1.56 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Clean Error Call Chain.vi (10.74 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Platform.ctl (1.49 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Get Platform.vi (3.36 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:LINX VI API Version.vi (2.94 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:All Firmware Data FGV States.ctl (1.49 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:All Firmware Data FGV.vi (5.96 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Error Type.ctl (1.49 K)
Deploying VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi (6.69 K)
Deploying Error Cluster From Error Code.vi (7.54 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Channels.ctl (1.85 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:LINX Device Config.ctl (1.95 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Serial Set Baud.vi (5.18 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device ID to Name.vi (6.96 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:TCP Close.vi (5.05 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Set Device Name.vi (5.18 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:TCP Read.vi (5.60 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Serial Flush.vi (4.41 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Serial Write.vi (5.22 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Wait For Bytes.vi (8.91 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Checksum.vi (6.00 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:TCP Flush.vi (5.82 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:LINX Ref.ctl (1.98 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Local IO.lvlib:Load Device Channels.vi (29.18 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Serial Read.vi (5.83 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Packet Number.vi (5.37 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Packetize.vi (7.36 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Generate Error.vi (18.51 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Wait For Packet.vi (16.97 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Set Device Baud Rate.vi (9.98 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Local IO.lvlib:Load Device Info.vi (10.42 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Serial Open.vi (6.55 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:TCP Open.vi (7.48 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:TCP Write.vi (9.18 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Send Command.vi (15.44 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get I2C Channels.vi (8.76 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get AI Ref.vi (8.66 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get Servo Channels.vi (8.76 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get QE Channels.vi (8.76 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get Max Baud Rate.vi (7.42 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get AO Channels.vi (8.76 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Synchronize.vi (11.84 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get Firmware Version.vi (8.21 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Close Device.vi (5.90 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Close.vi (8.61 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get Device Name.vi (7.93 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get UART Channels.vi (8.76 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get PWM Channels.vi (8.76 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get AI Channels.vi (8.76 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get SPI Channels.vi (8.76 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get DIO Channels.vi (8.76 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Check Firmware Version.vi (11.38 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get Device ID.vi (7.23 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Get CAN Channels.vi (8.76 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Load Device Config.vi (12.20 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Device.lvlib:Initialize Device.vi (15.67 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Initialize.vi (12.36 K)
Deploying LMH-LINX.lvlib:Open Local.vi (5.59 K)
Deploying soImportTest.visoImportTest.vi loaded with errors on the target and was closed.
Deployment completed with errors


Where did things go wrong?  Any help is appreciated.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

You have a mixup of the location where you put the code. While you run in the Raspberry Pi Desktop, the /home/pi/lv_ccode/test_func.c path is in the main Pi environment. When you want to place something into the environment that the LabVIEW chroot "virtual machine" sees, you have to place it in /srv/chroot/labview/root/ when looked at from your Raspbian host environment.


This will be /root/ inside your LabVIEW schroot environment. Then you can proceed to compile from inside your LabVIEW chroot environment (after entering it with the command:

sudo schroot --run-session -c lv


Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 3 of 12

Thank you rolfk for your detailed response.  


So instead I do the following command from  /home/pi/lv_ccode/ folder: 


cp test_func.c /srv/chroot/labview/root/


Then enter into chroot:

sudo schroot --run-session -c lv

command: cd /root


Then I proceed to compile from inside your LabVIEW chroot environment:


I run this command with no error while in labview chroot: gcc -c -Wall -Werror -fpic test_func.c


I enter the next command: gcc -shared -o libtest_func.so test_func.o


And proceed to get the following information:


root@raspberrypi:~# gcc -shared -o libtest_func.so test_func.o
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find crtbeginS.o: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find crtendS.o: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find crtn.o: No such file or directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


It appears your instructions did not  fix my problem. 😞 Would you know what else could be my solution or fix?


It appears the compiler cannot find some files during the compiling process.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

Does anyone have a compiled .so file that I can borrow that you know works?  I would like to at least troubleshoot and narrow down where the problem resides.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12
Accepted by topic author bbelley

I found this article worked perfectly as a workaround to making my .so file.  I was then able to run my same labview program successfully with no errors.





0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

I can confirm that using the instructions in this article, I was able to completely recompile liblinxdevice_rpi2.so from the sources found here: https://github.com/MakerHub/LINX/tree/master/LabVIEW/vi.lib/MakerHub/LINX/Firmware 
And also successfully add some new functions related to the i2c bus to the library.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

How do you do?

I cant compile my program too.



root@raspberrypi:~# gcc tcp_test.c -o tcp_test
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find crtbegin.o: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Did you use C/C++ Development Tools for NI Linux Real-Time Eclipse Edition?
I do exact, as described in this article, an it is compiled with no problem.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

There is no description for LabVIEW 2020

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 12