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Deploying code into RoboRIO 2, but compiler is failing to see it

When trying to deploy code, the build keeps failing. The task, ':discoverroborio' keeps failing. 


We've successfully reimaged the RoboRIO via microSD card, and have run the 'build' command in gradlew. We are able to connect to the roborio via USB cable because we are still able to use the phoenix tuner.


Here's the entire error message:


> Task :discoverroborio
Discovering Target roborio
admin @ roborio-4087-FRC.frc-field.local: Failed resolution.
Reason: RuntimeException
Unknown Host
admin @ roborio-4087-FRC: Failed resolution.
Reason: RuntimeException
Unknown Host
admin @ roborio-4087-FRC.lan: Failed resolution.
Reason: RuntimeException
Unknown Host
admin @ roborio-4087-FRC.local: Failed resolution.
Reason: RuntimeException
Unknown Host
admin @ Resolved but not connected.
Reason: RuntimeException
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: timeout: socket is not established
admin @ Resolved but not connected.
Reason: RuntimeException
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: timeout: socket is not established
1 other action(s) not started.
Run with --info for more details

> Task :discoverroborio FAILED
Missing Target!
Are you connected to the robot, and is it on?
GradleRIO detected this build failed due to not being able to find "roborio"!
Scroll up in this error log for more information.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':discoverroborio'.
> A failure occurred while executing
> Target roborio could not be found at any location! See above for more details.

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Hi thesofs


Thank you for sharing this information with us about the error that is showing when deploying code.


After reviewing some articles we would like to verify the following

  • You mentioned that you are able to connect to the hardware with USB connectivity, if this connection keeps showing the error could you please review the IP settings on your machine and in the Roborio?
  • Are you able to ping the device? Please try to ping the or the (this one only when connected over the USB)
  • Could you please review the wiring and the status lights and share that information with us?
  • Could you also share the image and driver station versions that you are using?


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