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problems configuring fp 2000

fp2000 was working properly until I tried to update the os (mistake !!) now max is seeing it as but when I configure it to and reboot it , its not updating the ip addr i assigned.I tried reset as well but it wouldn't update.the link led is green whereas the status led is blinking in red.I tried formatting it but it wouldn't letme do it as well.Help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 14

Hi Chuck,

How many times is the status light blinking on the controller? This is very important as it can help determine the cause of the problem. Also, which version of the FieldPoint driver are you currently using and would it be possible for you to post a screenshot with the current software configuration and versions on your system?


Hal L.

Message 2 of 14

Thanks Hal, for your quick response.


Sorry it took so long to get back with you! (Busy…Busy …Busy).


Anyway, the status light is only flashing once.


I’ve got the cFP-2000 connected to a Switch that is hooked to my computer.


It sees it, but it won’t let me format the internal drive.


Any thing else you need me to send you , let me know.


Thanks: Chuck


P.S. Here are the Screenshots:


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14

Sorry, about the hyperlink. 


Thanks: Chuck


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14

Hey Chuck,

Thanks for the update and for the screenshots. It sounds like something may be corrupt with the CompactFlash on your FieldPoint controller. Here is the link to a KB with thorough instructions on upgrading the firmware: Unable to Install/Upgrade Firmware on FP-20xx Controller.

Hal L.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 14

my problem is similar,but in this situation fp2000 is in safe mode(improper instalation) and with Max i can't install and upgrade firmware becouse when i click to add/remove software after min pregram tells me-time out !

this is after formating


i need some help

best regars


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 14


Please take a look at this KnowledgeBase Article.  It describes how to choose an IP address for your controller.  With the FP-2000 controllers, they may show the symptoms of corrupt compact flash when in reality they have been assigned the same IP address as something else on the network.

If your controller is connected to the network, please make sure that the subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server you assign it matches your host PC.  In addition, you need to ensure that nothing else on the network has the same IP address as your controller.  You can use the ping test described in the KnowledgeBase Article linked above to verify this.

Please let me know if this does not resolve your issue.


Ching P.
DAQ and Academic Hardware R&D
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

dear Ching my Fp2000 is not in the net,i mean that controler is connected directly to my PC!

And after upgrating with firmware 6.1.1 -i do this whit explorer 3.1 and because i whant to connect FP2000 like real time target to labview 6i!

And after that,my situation i safe mode (improper installation),i can configure my device but after clicking add/remove software i see clock and then operation time out!

whit my network settings ,system works,but after changing firmware all is down

is this posible  to have problems with Bios?I don't know!But now for me all is posible!


Best Regards


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 14

Dear Ching now i go to make network setting,and you will recieve what will happens after that!


Best Regards


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14

Dear Ching  now situation is-messege :operation is not complited posibile error 56

posibile reasons :operations timed out

But first i see messege like this -downloading software..wait

I'm not shure what to do now!

Best Regard


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Message 10 of 14