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font problem...

Hi everybody!
   I'm experiencing a particular problem.  I'm developing an application for cFP-2020. I control this application from a PC, but application is embedded (it has to be embedded for other reasons).

   In application front panel, I put some image controls, in which I write some messages with vi  "Draw Text At".  If I run my application on host PC (not embedded target) I see text, if I deploy application to my cFP-2020, I see the picture elements correctly displayed, except for the text message.

    I know I can select, on "Draw Text At", the type of font, among:

     User-specified font
     Application font
     System font
     Dialog font

   I didn't tested the first option, 'cause I'd like to use System font.  but nor system font option, nor Dialog and Application option work.

   Please! Don't tell me to replace image control with text string, because I need exactly picture control, because of customer's requirements!!!

   What should I suppose, that PharLap operating system has no system fonts?!?!?!? Any help would be apreciated!!!

   Have a nice day!

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Message 1 of 9

Try to use this VI to configure the "Draw text at point.VI"


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Message 2 of 9
Hi Giuna!
   thanks for spending time trying to help me!

   Unfortunately, even with your VI, nothing  happens!  No fonts displayed...

   I didn't try, but I take for granted that running your VI in Wi dows works, my problem is running it in cFP-2020, in embedded-mode.


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Message 3 of 9
Hi Graziano, When a VI or stand-alone application runs on an RT target and there is no front panel connection with host LabVIEW, you cannot execute VIs that modify a front panel. For example, you cannot change or read the properties of front panel objects with property nodes because there is no front panel. VIs on the RT target cannot use VIs that leverage Windows only technology. The following features do not work on an RT target: • ActiveX VIs • .NET VIs • VIs that use NI-IVI drivers • Windows Registry Access VIs • TestStand VIs (ActiveX-based) • Report Generation Toolkit VIs • Call Library Nodes that access an operating system API other than Pharlap • Graphics and Sound VIs • Database Connectivity Toolset • XML DOM Parser and G Web Server for CGI Support You can use one of two communication protocols, Front Panel Communication or Network Communication, to provide a user interface for RT target VIs. Thake a look to this manual to find out more information. Giuna
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Message 4 of 9
Hi Giuna,
    I already use a graphic vi, i.e. picture control, and, say, draw  This Vi works, because now  I get  rectangles correctly displayed.  In picture fuinctions palette, the component that seems not to work is onluy the draw text.  I was wondering why...

    And more, it seems to me that graphic VI works (for example, plot VIs), since I've used them in other application, in embedded cFP.

    Ok, here's (attachment) a simple application, in which you have them....

     Any help apreciated....

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Message 5 of 9

Hi Graziano,

Which version of LV do you use? I will send you some example.


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Message 6 of 9
Hi Giuna,
   I use LV 7.1, with RT module, of course!


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Message 7 of 9

how I said, the Graphics and Sound features do not work on an RT target. You have to use for example "notifier function" to send data from CFP to PC HOST.

In attached folder you will find 3 file :

leggi da


How to run:

-You have to deploy and genera to your CFP.

-TOOL>>>option>>VI server configuration>> choose TCP/IP and set 3363 in "port"

-in leggi da put the IP address in "machine name" item

-run genera and write something in "inserisci stringa" item

-run leggi da

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Message 8 of 9
Sorry, Giuna, but.... I don't have to send data from cFP to host, I have to display some silly graphics, it's a simpler task, even if it involves sending some data betzeen cFP and PC.

More, I don't have to use ports this way, I have to give my application to test tecnicians which don't want to perform too many configurations!


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Message 9 of 9