Hi everybody!
I'm experiencing a particular problem. I'm developing an application for cFP-2020. I control this application from a PC, but application is embedded (it has to be embedded for other reasons).
In application front panel, I put some image controls, in which I write some messages with vi "Draw Text At Point.vi". If I run my application on host PC (not embedded target) I see text, if I deploy application to my cFP-2020, I see the picture elements correctly displayed, except for the text message.
I know I can select, on "Draw Text At Point.vi", the type of font, among:
User-specified font
Application font
System font
Dialog font I didn't tested the first option, 'cause I'd like to use System font. but nor system font option, nor Dialog and Application option work.
Please! Don't tell me to replace image control with text string, because I need exactly picture control, because of customer's requirements!!!
What should I suppose, that PharLap operating system has no system fonts?!?!?!? Any help would be apreciated!!!
Have a nice day!