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Why do I get error 32800?

I am getting error 32800 (General Server Error) in my LabVIEW program. What exactly does it mean?
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Message 1 of 4
The 32800 error code can be returned in a number of situations. Depending upon
which VI is returning the error code, it can be caused by a number of things.

The IAK file path is invalid
The IAK file does not exist
The IAK file can not be loaded (Win NT user profile problemsee:,fieldpoint,bridgeview )
There is a version mismatch between the FPLVMGR.dll and the FIELDPOINT.dll
or between the FPCVIMGR.dll and the DIELDPOINT.dll
Misc Errors

The data array being input to the FP does not contain the correct amount
of information for the number of channels being target
ed. For example, writing to the
All channel of an FP-AO-200 (8 channels) with an array containing 7 elements of data.
Message 2 of 4

"There is a version mismatch between the FPLVMGR.dll and the FIELDPOINT.dll
or between the FPCVIMGR.dll and the DIELDPOINT.dll"



I am having a problem with trying to read temperatures from an FP-TC-120 module. I show values in MAX but when I try to open up a VI, no data shows up and I am getting this error. The .iak filepath is correct, all the names have been checked and re-checked. What do you do if you have the version mismatch in the .dll files? I suspect this may be the case as this computer was restored from an older computer and several versions of LabView have been installed over the years.

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Message 3 of 4

Any updates on this problem?

Trying to communicate with old hardware with new software.


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Message 4 of 4