08-04-2005 06:03 AM
08-05-2005 05:20 PM
08-06-2005 11:30 AM
Something odd happened on Friday - the system asked me to confirm my 'handle' identity and swapped languages at the same time. This means that somehow I managed to change from 'Conseils' to 'Help'...... for my 'on line ID' or handle, at the same time all this was in the language of the country I was working in.
All very strange.
Thanks for the help, is there a way to swap back my on line id 'handle' or am I stuck with this one untill I can re-create the issue..
Thanks for the feeedback.
08-07-2005 03:07 AM
How does board floating work?
I have a few boards floated to the top, so I can see when these boards have activity, but there are 2 problems:
First, when floating a board, there is no way to know where it will appear in the floated list. It might appear first, it might appear second, it might appear last. This is important because I want a certain order for those boards.
Second, assuming I managed to get them the way I wanted, they don't seem to stay that way. It looks like the first time you go out of the page, some of them change position and just stay in their new position from there on. This movement does not have anything to do with the general order of the boards. I think it might be "undoing" the last change on the bottom 2 floating boards, but I'm not sure.
08-16-2005 03:25 PM
08-16-2005 03:28 PM
08-16-2005 04:39 PM
There is no way I can set the prefered language as English : In the forum profile, the setting is not saved, and returns to French as soon as I am disconnected.
And in the NI user profile I have no other choice than French ! Is that some kind of retaliation ? 😉
Do you think I'll be obliged to emigrate ?
08-17-2005 03:10 PM
08-18-2005 03:44 AM
08-18-2005 04:02 AM
Thanks for the answer. The surprizing thing is that the option was available until mid-july...