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Still have trouble with FCS finding the teleop.rxe file; file not found (Archived)

Update: This discussion applies to Issues from the 2010 FTC season and is no longer relevant for current FTC competition software.

Still having problems with the FCS.  This is a repeat issue that is becoming overwhelming to the team although we take your advice.

The Team downloads the programs on the NXT; they load and show fine; they have the auto and tele-op files along wiht the program chooser; the bluetooth connection is connected and the FCS is connected.  Gamepads are setup.

But there is no TeleOp file name found and the FCS will not run.  We had it running last week, then shutdown the computers and systems last week.  We even defragged again.

NI:  this should not be this hard!  We are doing wht you say with results that are not repeatable.  This is very frustrating to the team.  You ned to fix the bug once and for all time.

Now what do we do?


Team 2975

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hi blt,

I apologize that your team has been running into this many issues, this is definitely uncharacteristic of us.  I will be unable to test my setup until the morning, but I have a few questions to clear things up and/or narrow down the issue:

  • What is the operating system?  Have you run into issues on multiple computers?
  • What happens if you tether the NXT via USB?  Do you see the same issues?


FIRST Applications Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

The laptop I am using is a Dell Inspiron 1501 running regular home edition of Vista. I have LabView 2009 for the FTC kit.

The school my team attends does not have desktops that they will allow the FCS on (IT issues etc.)

The FCS does not work via bluetooth or USB cable (running the robot). the FCS will connect to the robot and show battery voltage and status as connected.  The FTC Troubleshooter shows green on the application and the acceptable battery range in the autonomous mode; same results in the teleop mode. I have hit the reset match button and also have reset the bluetooth from the FCS.  Still no joy.

The Teleop and Autonomous files are from NI downloads.

I did uninstall the FCS and re-install it. Still nothing; the FCS will connect and the programs do show present on the brick.

But again, the FCS will not find the teleop file and it is a .rxe on the brick.



Team 2975

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7


We still cannot get the FCS to work.

Where does the FCS file have to be to find the files on the NXT brick? Is there a specific file folder on the computer this FCS file has to be in relation to the other vi and Labview files? Where does the Teleop and Auto vi file has to be for the FCS system to find them?  They are on the brick.

This is the reason I am asking; when we can get the FCS to tie to the brick using a Bluetooth, it cannot find the rxe files.  So is the FCS looking for the files on the brick or on the computer to run via the brick?

It did the same thing when tethered via an USB cable.  I swear it is acting like it cannot find the file in the computer.

Also on the brick, I get an error sometimes when using the program chooser; it is looking  for some config text file.  I cannot find any in the programs or downloads. It is not in the firmware 1.28

Please reply

Thanks a lot


Team 2975

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Hi Barry,

When you run the program chooser, do you select the Teleop file to execute?  Do you receive any errors when that program runs?  If you check in the NXT Terminal for the FTCConfig.txt file,

The FCS looks for a file called FTCConfig.txt, which tells the FCS which teleop file to execute.  This text file is created when you run the Program Chooser program.  Without first running this program, the FCS will be unable to execute the teleop file.

Note that you should only have to run this program once, provided you are making changes to the same Teleop VI and keeping the same name.  If you rename the VI or want to use a different teleop file, you'll need to re-run the Program Chooser.

This information can be found in the FTC Getting Started Guide, which is found by going to Start»All Programs»National Instruments»LabVIEW 2009»Manuals from the Start Menu and opening FTC_Getting_Started.pdf.  Choosing the teleop program should be in Chapter 4.


FIRST Applications Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Everything you state has been done or is true.

I can connect to the brick with no files to run; or the brick will not connect.

FTC / NI needs to call my team, troubleshoot this directly,  and resolve this problem.  Time is running out before competition.  We need this resolved now.

This is not being resolved in this forum.  Although I appreciate your help, it is not helping.

E-mail me for contact information.  Then once a solution is found, then post the solution please.  This should not be this difficult.


Team 2975

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7


Thanks for the help on this issue.  The team came up with this desk top guide that works on their laptop.  Some of it is per your FCS guide and some is not.  But it works.

It is posted here for other teams that maybe encountering the same problems too.

Thanks again,

Team 2975

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7