01-28-2012 10:56 AM
I'm helping a rookie team and we can't get their motors running. We are getting the following error:
Watchdog Expiration: System 2 User 0
Modified Network Configuration: Set
I/O unit not detected or not installed.
The RSL light is not blinking. Communication and Robot Code lights on
Jaguars lights flashing yellow. 12V getting to the Jaguar but not out of the jaguars,
PWM cables have continuity.
A little history. When I came over the Digital Sidecar 5V light was not on (The other 2 lights are on, RSL not flashing) I brought over another digital sidecar that worked for our team and put it in their system. Still motors did not move. (No RSL but 5V and other lights were on). We re-imaged the cRio, we redownloaded the default robot code (the user1 light on the cRio was blinking), still nothing. We found the above error on the diagnostics screen.
Please help!
01-28-2012 11:06 AM
Hey Joe,
We have seen a couple of these watchdog issues the last couple of days and I am still not sure what is causing them. The only way I get watchdog errors with the hardware I have is after I stop the robot code. After I stop the code they start showing up in the diagnostics page-which is expected. I think the debug steps in this post are a good starting point for debug:https://decibel.ni.com/content/thread/11882?tstart=0
Let me know the results of those debug steps and we can figure out where to go from there.
01-28-2012 11:16 AM
Actually we tried debug steps simaliar to that. We stay direct connected to (to get rid of that variable) and we ran the motor example which bypasses whether you're enable. On our home team robot, the motor example would work. This robot, it does not.Can you tell what "Modified Network Configuration: Set I/O unit not detected or not installed" means? could there be a problem with the cRio DIO module? The kids did say they think they shorted the power wires to the sidecard together at least once.
01-28-2012 11:30 AM
One more thing. This team received a DIO to sidecar cable that's different from our vertern teams cable. After looking at it, the marked Pin 1 on the crio dio C module pin 1 connects to the marked pin 19 on the digital sidecar. and digital sidecar pin 1 connects to the pin 19 of the DIO c module on the crio. Is that how it's suppose to be? I can't check my teams until I get back overthere.
01-28-2012 01:18 PM
It appears that that the flat ribbon cable (DB37) from the DIO c module to the digital sidecar was built wrong. The connectors on one end was put on the wrong side (I think). This casues pin 1 to go to pin 19 on the other end of the cable. The cable on our robot (old round one) has pin 1 to pin 1.
Anyone who can't get there Robot to move but has robot code should probably verify that pin 1 of the flat ribbon cable goes to pin 1.
01-28-2012 09:08 PM
Yes - the cable problem is noted in the Team Updates on the FRC site. There are instructions to fix it here: http://www.usfirst.org/sites/default/files/uploadedFiles/Robotics_Programs/FRC/Game_and_Season__Info...