FIRST Robotics Competition Discussions

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How to program a compressor.

So, our teams robot is pretty much complete, but the programming side is really struggling.  My personal mission is to program the compressor that we will use.  It is connected with two cylinders that will lift a claw.  I am shooting blind in what I should do.  What I gathered from my reaserching is that I need to adjust the begin, periodic tasks, teleop, atuonomous independant, and finish vi's.  If someone could give me examples, link me to examples or explain the process to me I would be very grateful! Thank You.

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Hello usafrc,

If you are using LabVIEW to program your roboRIO, there is an example that comes with the FRC software for LabVIEW that demonstrates how to use a compressor with a cylinder. From LabVIEW, go to Help >> Find Examples. Then, in the Browse tab, go to FRC Robotics >> roboRIO >> Actuators >> Compressor With Cylinder and open up the project. That example should have some code within it to help get you started!

Message 2 of 3

And once you run and understand the example, you might look at Tutorial 7.  On the Tutorials tab of the LabVIEW Getting Started Window:

Tutorial 7 - Integrating Examples into Robot Code

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