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This example gives one simple option for generating similar or dissimilar waveforms at the same frequency or different frequencies from each other.
Sometimes it is useful to output two different waveforms at different frequencies. This can either mean two waveforms of the same waveform type at two different frequencies or two dissimilar waveform types at the same frequency. There is one caveat with this example: it was made with a fixed Sample Clock Rate of 100kHz. The frequency that you input is the desired output frequency of the signal. This means that the desired frequency you input must be an integer divide down of 100,000.
In later versions of LabVIEW and the NI-DAQmx driver, this functionality was included in shipped examples. To find these examples, go to Help » Find Examples » Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx » Analog Output.
Requirements to Run
LabVIEW version 8.2 or compatible
DAQmx 8.3 or compatible
NI Multifunction DAQ device with at least two analog output channels compatible with NI-DAQmx
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
Additional Information or References
Front Panel
Block Diagram
**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.**
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
Thanks for posting! Could you please include a screenshot or two of the VI to give us an idea of what the code might look like? Also, please rename your one attachment to include the LabVIEW version.
Anybody interested in doing this might also want to check out the following related example:
Generate Multiple Channels of Analog Output with Different Frequencies
It should be more scalable if you need to use more than 2 channels and has some other benefits described on the page.