This VI programmatically saves a front panel object to a PNG file and then prints it to your default printer.
This VI use Write PNG File.VI to create image data file(.png). When Write PNG File.VI is called, this VI saves a front panel object to a PNG file. Print Image from Microsoft Paint 2012.vi print the PNG file, you created, to your default printer.
- LabVIEW 2012 (or compatible)
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
- Download the .zip file
- Make sure that the "Print Image from Microsoft Paint 2012.vi" is in the .zip file as well.
- Create a name for the image file by typing it at the end of the file path as shown below:
C:\Folder\Sub Folder\Image Name.png
Please ensure that the image name is followed by: .png
- Enter the path of the PNG file you just created
- Run "Print Front Panel Object 2012 NIVerified.vi"
- Select a file location to save the image of the front panel object as a PNG
Additional Information or References
VI Block Diagram

**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.**